The Creation Of Man

 The Creation Of Man: How It All Began?

“(Allah) Who perfected everything which he created and began the creation of Man from clay”

(Quran 32:7)


Allah decided to create humans and make them the Khalifah, the leader, of the Earth. Allah ordered the Angels to gather soil from seven different places. The Angels gathered the soil and brought it in front of Allah. Allah molded this soil into clay, then water was poured into it which turned the clay dark colored mud & Allah ordered, “Be”, and the soil now turned into a human statue. This clay was then dried and it took the color of wheat.

A hollow body made of soil without any life. Angels would come look at it and glance at it in awe. They would come sit close to it and they used to touch, & since it was hollow, it would create tinkling noise and Angels would run away in fear.

But there was one, who would not run away, who would look at Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) continuously, and he was Iblees. Iblees was already jealous of Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) because Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) was to be made the Khalifah of Earth, & Iblees wanted this position for himself.

Iblees would think, what is so special about this creation that God has created? And at the same time, something began to develop in the heart of Iblees, a form of jealousy.

Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) stayed like that for years. Iblees would look at Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) & fear him but at the same time to beat his fear, he would say, I am better than you, you are not going to be better than me, do whatever you may. This jealousy quickly turned into arrogance.

Then Allah created the Rooh (Soul) to inhibit this body made out of soil. He blew Rooh into the Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) and he started to come to life. It entered head first, then the chest, then the stomach, then the thighs and at last the feat.

When Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) opened his eyes, he saw the beauty of Jannah & the fruits of Jannah. Before the soul has reached his feet, Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) wanted to jump and get one of the fruits. So, Allah says,

“Mankind is made out of haste”

(Quran 21:37)
